Day 7 of GC Session Prayer & Praise Report
09.07.2015 13:05
Praise Reports for July 8th
- Today’s morning worship message: “Through Trials to Triumph: The Advent Movement and His Return” was given by Alain Coralie, associate executive secretary of the East-Central Africa Division. Thank you for praying for him. His final challenge to us, “Arise, Shine, Jesus is coming!”
We had a powerful praise report this morning from 100 Days of Prayer from Professor and Mrs. Rono from Eldoret Kenya. They shared how their 100 Days of Prayer group grew from a small group to over 400, and then how non-SDA pastors eventually joined the group and asked for studies. Of the 30 pastors that they studied with, 16 of those have recently been baptized to become Seventh-day Adventist. What an amazing testimony! (See picture to right of Mrs. Rono with Melody, 100 Days of Prayer Coordinator.)
- Today’s business session was dedicated to the question of whether divisions should make provision for the ordination of women in their respective territories. After lengthy discussions, the world church voted: Yes 977; No 1381. (There were 2,363 votes total!) While the day was challenging, and at times grew a little tense, God’s Spirit was manifested in the proceedings. The Chair, Michael Ryan, as well as Elder Wilson, expressed thanksgiving for this. (To read more in depth report by the Adventist Review, click here!)
- Throughout the day, many people came and went from the prayer room. There was a sweet sweet spirit here as well, as we sought to avoid praying agenda prayers, but just prayed for God to work and His will to be done. When the vote was announced, there was no applause in the prayer room, but just a time for group prayer and then everyone joined hands as they sang “Bind us together.” Some cried, but there was a spirit of unity present in the room and we thank God for that.
- Powerful division reports tonight given by SID and SPD. God is working in His church!
- Although it’s been a long day (and a long last 7 days), we praise God that He is continuing to sustain us as well as our leaders!
Prayer Request for July 9th
- Pray for Taj Pacleb, as he gives the morning devotional entitled: “Into All the World: The Proclamation of the Gospel and His Return.” He is an evangelist for the Central California Conference.
- The General Conference session is expected to start wrapping up on Thursday. Any unresolved agenda items will be discussed at the morning and afternoon business sessions. Pray for wisdom and efficiency!
- Pray for a sweet spirit to remain throughout the meetings.
- Pray that the weather remains tolerable!
- In the evening, reports will be delivered by the Southern Asia Division (SUD), Trans-European (TED), and the West-Central Africa Division (WAD). Pray that we will be convicted and inspired by these reports.
- Pray for continued strength for the GC staff, prayer team, and others. Three more days to go! We are tired, but God promises that His strength is made perfect in our weakness.
To watch the GC Session on HOPE Channel via LIVESTREAM, click here for the airing schedule.